-Why we just learn about ‘Grammar’ but how about Grandpa?
-Why some married couple has extra ring which is SUFFERING?

-Why Kids suppose to be stupid?
*Curiosity killed the cat*
-Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
-Why do we press the start button to turn off the computer?
-Why you can't daydream at night?
wondering why...
-Why 1 Malaysia? Before this how many Malaysian do we have?
-Why 9 scare of 7?
seven.... eight(ate).... nine....
-Why do banks have branches when money doesn't grow on trees?

-Why woman boobs need to censored but man boobs no need?
-Why some girls want to score A in exams but some girls like to get ‘D’ or ‘bigger’ in their ...?
-Why London Bridge is still standing , there a song about it falling down?
-Why do dogs like the smell of other dogs butts?
-Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs?
-Why we ate expensive food but came out same smelly shit?
