Nothing much during this CNY just eat eat eat... ang pao.. take pics.. think of assignment -_- dota then Counter Strike then dota again.. eh.. k la.. can say happening also la. xD
As usual CNY eve went grandpa house.

Abhisit and Aranthai (sounds like that la their name. donno correct or not)
They usually speaks in thai so Im kinda lost


mau ang pao kena kiss 1st

cover a bit...

before take their pictures, one of my niece said "at here so hot, go other place".
kecik kecik know how to complaint d -_-

wanna try ur luck?
ToTo lahhh...

update myself in Twitter

muka serious nia... CS-ing

bai bai.. (pray)

Mom: study smart smart ahhh...

wasehhh.. ada style

bring out the BIG GUN !

run weyyy... run...
then went Gua Musang (dad side) before goin back KL.

this lil girl many pattern -_-

Yu Sheng ~

wan some? =D

Thats all ! Cheers~